401.331.1244 info@jcsri.org

Basic Needs Assistance

For those who need help with basic needs but don’t know where to turn, the Case Management program at Jewish Collaborative Services is a haven. Our caring social workers provide confidential guidance to connect individuals and families with vital services to help them manage physical, emotional or financial challenges.

Finding Solutions for Individual Needs

We know how hard it can be to navigate the complex world of social services, particularly for those under stress. That’s why we created the Case Management program.

Each year, our licensed social workers help hundreds of vulnerable community members get back on their feet by providing information and referrals tailored to their circumstances. In some cases, JCS is able to offer direct financial assistance for emergency needs such as housing, utilities or medical expenses.

Real Help for Real-Life Issues

Examples from our Case Management program

A recently divorced mother of young children had just landed a part-time job but was behind on her bills and about to lose her electricity. The case management team helped her set up a payment plan with the utility company and arranged for the first payment. She was able to recover financially within a few months.

The out-of-town children of an elderly RI man worried that he could not afford services to keep him safe at home. The case manager referred the father to state-subsidized programs and helped him through the process to get aid and arranged for him to receive emergency response services through our Lifeline RI program.

Building Long-Term Financial Fitness

JCS’s free financial literacy program provides extended support for individuals who need help managing their finances and getting or staying out of debt. Participants include those at all stages of life, from students on their own for the first time to those managing an individual or family budget to seniors on a fixed income.

Through a combination of classes and one-on-one counseling, our trained financial instructors teach the skills required to build long-term financial health. Classes address basics such as debt, credit, and financial organization and planning.

Personal sessions help each participant tackle his or her unique financial issues. Participants learn to work with their financial situation in a way that reduces stress, avoidance and fear.

“This is the best [program] ever! The staff is both down-to-earth and willing to help you in any way they can. [The best advice was] to spend only what you have in your wallet. I was always using my debit card before this; I tried it and it works! I’m also better organized.”

Case Management is partially funded by generous grants, with additional funding from donations and the JCS endowment.

Case management services are available to the general community.